Monday, March 03, 2008

To record

Step1.How to record a sound file?
Use the Sound Recorder installed in Windows system, and NOTE that when the time is up to 55 secs, you can press STOP to get another 60 secs extension. And then choose FILE-->Save as [drill 1].

Or you can use your mp3 recorder, recorder in moviemaker, whatever suits your need.

Step2.How to upload a drill file?
(a) Connect to:;
(b) Sign up for your own account,or log-in by:huayu/huayu;
(c) press "Post Music" and key in the detail;
(d) browse-->select recorded file-->upload
(problem in converting file from WAV to MP3,you can try the webiste )

Step3.Done and enjoy our masterpieces.
Once you've uploaded files, you can make a new post here and type some key words that you think important for better understanding.
To paste the player onto the article you write like our class lessons,simply try as follows: log in [ijigg]-->My music-->options-->copy embedded code-->paste in Html on your new article